Off Season
Thank you, one and all for the positive comments left for me and the continuing support to keep the site going. I am proud to be associated with the effort to keep El Paso's amusement history alive, albeit in one seemingly insignificant website devoted to a park that refuses to give up the ghost. Although the allure of the park is tempting, please do not attempt entry into the park. Preachy, yes I am, but the park is a pretty dangerous place to be, rusty nails, questionable supports for buildings that haven't seen use in so long, I would hate to hear about injuries in the park just for the sake of viewing a glimpse of the past.
Well, like the real park, the site will be dormant for a while. THIS IS NOT THE FINAL POSTING ON THIS SITE. During this time, I will be compiling some new information that was sent to me to analyze. A lot of what was brought to me is exciting and informative, so look for future updates with a lot of forgotten memories attached to them. If you have anything you'd like to submit, please drop me an email at and let's discuss the park and whatever questions you might have and feel free to browse through the archives and read up on things you might have missed.
Remember to respect other people's property as if you would expect others to do so with your own.
Ciao for now, my friends.