Thursday, January 25, 2007

Texas Street, Then & Now

In a remarkable twist of luck, a faithful reader/ contributor of the ML site has sent me this amazing photo.

Fashion be damned, this is a shot of Texas Street, aka Main Street looking north towards the parking lot and huge flag pole. Interestingly, I had snapped an eerily similar photo back in 2005.

Here's an aerial shot of the same area from the Ferris Wheel.

More to come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/26/2007 12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What year were these photos snapped???

3/19/2007 9:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why in all the pictures does it look dead, you got any pics of when it was packed?

4/22/2007 2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judging by the light in the photos, it looks like these pics were taken during the day time. Usually, a park will get a full crowd after 5 p.m.

4/22/2007 1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was only 5 years old when I went to the park. But I clearly remember riding on the train. That is the only vivid memory that I have of Magic Landing, but I always wandered what happend to the park. It would be great if you could get more pictures of when the park was actually open.

8/09/2007 8:23 AM  

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